The goal is to develop in students an understanding of the unchanging values which become a “code for
life.” Character Code for Life is based upon the truth that all moral values come from the very character
of God, will have life transforming value for a person, a family, a community and an entire nation.
“Blessed is the nation whose god is the Lord,” (Psalm 33:12).
Throughout the entire six-year curriculum students will be taught 36 Character traits. The program is
divided into two semesters, with each semester introducing a trait that shows all values sourced from
God. In each lesson, your child will learn a Bible story that contains the character trait that is being
emphasized, memorize Bible verses that apply to real life, and participate in activities that show your
child how to apply these traits in their daily life.
There is a pre-school/kindergarten level (4 minimum age), primary level (1st – 3rd) and an intermediate
level (4th – 6th). Each group will be learning the same Bible stories and character traits, but they will be
doing age appropriate activities during class time.
Club meets every Wednesday at 6:00 pm and dismisses at 7:15 pm.
Students may stay and participate in the Wednesday prayer and Bible
study if they wish. It is usually finished by 8:00 pm. We understand
that Wednesday is a school night so staying after is strictly an option
and must have parental approval. We have a van available to pick up and
bring your children home if you need transportation for your child
St Helens Missionary Baptist Church.